Ever since I saw this year's TQS Rajah Quilt I have been pondering ideas for customizing the center block. Not that there aren't challenges -- the center is an unusual size, the finished size of the center is 13 1/2 inches (14 inches unfinished). Here are some of my ideas:
Rajah Quilt theme
1) The RAJAH was a barque - a sailing ship with 3 masts. Fortunately, Sue Garman has a Baltimore-style block with a barque in her Ladies of the Sea Quilt (Block 2 - The Alyssa -- single blocks are available for purchase) that would require customizing for size and theme and is available here:
2) Ink, print or embroider the original label.
3) A pieced block -- signifying a journey e.g. mariner's compass
4) Broderie Perse applique with a modern print. My favorite book on Broderie Perse applique is
Love to Quilt...Broderie Perse: The Elegant Quilt Paperback – March, 1997 by Barbara Barber (unfortunately $50 on Amazon but it may be available from your guild or local library)
TQS theme (consider revisiting a favorite TQS BOM)
1) The original TQS BOM Bouquets for a New Day by Sue Garman featured the TQS star in the background
2) The T, Q, S blocks from Janet Stone's 2014 BOM (if you have them, I do not know if they are available for purchase) could be arranged as a center block.
On Monday's show (Ep 1801), the write-up indicates Lessa will have ideas for customizing the center block.
Block 1 is available for download now with an extra page on the history surrounding the quilt (it looks like that will be a feature every month).