crocus999 wrote:
I can't remember ever buying a whole kit. A pattern, perhaps, but never a whole kit. I am now in the process of choosing the fabric for the 2015 BOM. I'm going slightly crazy with changing my mind after every choice becomes 'final'...then I see/find another fabric that would go oh, so much better. Then I've thought, well, 'make for this colourway, one for that colourway. I am determined to use my stash. Now I understand why people buy kits - all the mind blowing thinking is done for you. But I like to choose my own colours usually. Gosh, either that or I am really rebellious!
Oh dear. I think I need some chocolate - go ahead, help yourselves. Follow the trail.
I'm going through the same thing, Terrie. Determined to use my stash, have a colorway in mind, but keep switching ideas up (all from the stash). Unlike you, though, it never crossed my mind to do two of them!
Then I would be changing my mind on the fabrics for two quilts! Do you really think chocolat would help?
PS I've never purchased a kit either...