Pemela wrote:
... I haven't started this years BOM but after seeing your blocks I really want to start the 2015 BOM, I must quilt the 2014 BOM first. I am missing being part of the BOM gang this year
Best Wishes Pam
Not to throw you off kilter, Pam, when I was working on Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt, "Celtic Solstice," last year, she suggested that each time instructions came out, to do as much as you could even if you did not finish and when the next set of instructions came out, start that and whenever you had a bit of time, go back and finish up whatever was left over from the first set of instructions.
If you can, you might join us and do as much as you can of Month One of the 2015 BOM while quilting the 2014 one. If you can't finish Month One in time, start on the pieces for Month Two with the rest of us when the instructions come out and do what you can. When the 2014 BOM quilting is done, you can always play catch-up on the 2015 one but at least you will have made some headway on it every month. As long as you can do individual blocks, where one month does not have to be joined to another month's work yet, there's probably no harm in working on BOM 2015 in bits and pieces.
Just trying to entice you!...