Hi Amo, I'm glad you're so thrilled with your new machine, I was mentally composing my reply to your original question, when i read further down realised you'd done the deed already! I'm a very happy 630 owner, I sometimes think it would be nice to have the wider stitch capability, but honestly I don't know how often I would use it. I've had my machine about 18 months, I bought it at the Festival of Quilts at the NEC.
I will be going to Malvern, probably on the Saturday, though maybe on another day as well. Have you been to the show before? It's a wonderful place to take a DH and dogs because they can go walking on the Malvern Hills and don't need to get involved with the crowds at all (slightly weather dependent obviously!). The food area is also outside the exhibition hall, and the carparks are just fields (free - you only pay to go into the exhibition hall). Many people arrive in motorhomes and you see the hubbies all pottering about with their tea and newspapers while the wives are doing the serious stuff
. Whereabouts do you live? I'm just south of Birmingham.