I have a Koala quilting cabinet. I very much like that the machine sits lower than the table top and sews at a level that is in essence flush with the table. But I banged my knee ALL THE TIME
when I used the cabinet....... It now serves as my table for my large ironing surface.
I currently have my sewing machine sitting on a Sam Club folding table and use a large Bernina "quilter's table" so I have a larger surface to sew on. This is an improvement from the Koala cabinet, as it gives my legs more space, but the sewing machine sits so high that it is not a good ergonomic height for my neck and back. :shock:
So next time around, I am going to find an inexpensive large sturdy kitchen table... get someone with a table saw to help me cut a hole in it and build a shelf underneath for the sewing machine to sit on. (Hopefully the third time will be a charm!)