sounds like you might benefit from opening a *real* wine glass!
HA! I didn't have a glass of wine, but the wine glass quilting DID loosen me up some & took away some frustration!! And no calories, no headache!
Seriously tho', I went back to it today, used the shorter stitch length and it did ok. I'm not thrilled with the look of the shorter stitches, but I AM thrilled to say
all that's left to do is whipstitch the binding!
Lyn, you could be right, I was assuming the top tension was too loose b/c I was loosening it up, but the tension threading could have been awry, I guess I won't know b/c I changed the thread for another bit before I went back to this, but at least you've got it on here for the next person (or me another time!) who's having difficulty!!
So, 2 bindings to complete, 4 days. Oh, not to mention that the sewing room has to revert to guest room for MIL, that could be an all-day job unto itself! And I work full-time...Lord give me strength!!
Thanks to all for the solid help & kind words, Y'all are the BEST!