Marilyn, you can keep your snow! But may I have one of your cookies?
Our snow is melting today and I'm glad. By the way, I forgot to mention, the picture I posted is from my sewing room window. And those foot prints right in front are deer tracks. We have a lot of critters cross our property!
Ritzy, I'm with you. I only block show quilts. The other quilts are thrown in the washer and dryer and are loved just the way they are. I had my husband help me hang the quilt on my design board and the quilt is blocked and currently drying. Hopefully in a few days I'll be able to bind it.
Now I'm kind of lost with no quickie projects to work on! Oh No! I need my design wall to start the sister color and passion quilt.
Hugs to you Ritzy.... Breathe deep....