Haven't really been doing much on the piecing or quilting side of sewing lately
it all needs fabric cutting, and I don't feel like it.
However, I have been concentrating a bit more on another project/line of study, which is 'The Cabinet of Curiosities' - an online university that is studying 17th century embroidered boxes, with the possible view to making your own. At the moment I am designing a modern small piece to keep in my box that will look like a tulip, but is actually a book light for added spot lighting whilst working on embroidery. Today, I made a Japanese style braiding stand out of cardboard and some bobbins to hold the threads on out of buttons and started braiding around the stem part of the light. Never done this before, but I think it is coming along pretty good, although I am wondering whether I really should have made more bobbins to take the no. of threads up to 16, instead of the 12 I have.
The work so far. Don't think I will quite finish it tonight, but I might if I stay up until the wee small hours...