I finished my goal of 3 red and white wall hangings this week, barely. I thought I'd have a few hours to spare but that water drip I'd been hearing finally showed up on the carpet. Time to turn the AC off and get the drain unclogged. My nephew came to the rescue and got it going again. At least it was late in the day and didn't have time to get too hot in my sewing room. Must have AC on these 100+ days.
The quilt on the right took the place of the New York Beauty. You really didn't think I was going to make one of those did you!!! Anyway I remembered finding this block in EQ and wanted to try it out. I didn't want all of those seams in the background and I didn't want to do any inset seams so I redrew the block to eliminate those. I did have some partial seam piecing to do but that goes pretty quickly.
Next week my goal is to make the last 2 quilts. The fabric is already chosen for the Double Wedding Ring. I still need to draw the templates, but may let EQ do that for me. I will be using my Sew-on-the-Line method for the hexagon quilt. I tried this a few years ago and got a few rows done. These have 1" sides so 2" sides should be quite easy in comparison. I am determined this time to have a finished hexie quilt. Back around 1980 I cut many hexagons for what was supposed to be a reversible grandmother's flower garden quilt and made a few blocks. I was making them like little pillows, fabric on both sides with batting in the middle, sewn leaving an opening then turned inside out. Then they had to be hand sewn together on both sides which took way more time than I had so I gave the pieces for the back of the quilt to my sister and the rest of the pieces are still waiting to be used. I haven't given up on them yet.
Our quilt guild is having their real retreat this weekend. I believe I'm getting more done at this virtual retreat, no packing and no travel time, etc.