Lotti - your triangle quilt is beautiful. Sounds like you are having a great holiday - fingers crossed for nice weather so we can get to enjoy more of your photos
I'm so glad that Sybil has taken my advice
Your baby quilt is adorable and the name just finishes it off perfectly. You're a brave woman tackling onesies - glad I've never been asked to do any
Yours are so nice so if I'm ever asked I know who to pass the order on to
I love the idea of a green and purple baby quilt Linda. Can't wait to see what pattern you go with.
I've now finished my 4 FMQ samplers (feathers, leaves, flowers and berries) and can't decide whether to just leave them as samplers to refer to (they are about 21" square each) or join them and use them as a table topper in the kitchen; we have a very, very loved pine table in the kitchen 38 years ol so not quite an antigue but almost so it needs hiding from time to time when visitors come calling. The other 3 samplers are yellow, pink and light purple gingham respectively - not sure what to do. Input welcome. TIA
PS the backing is the same on all 4