You all may think I've really lost my grip, but, I've noticed that in front of someone's name, just in front of the date, a green button shows up for some and not others. Anyone know what that's about? And how do you post that only members after signing in can read your posts? I know you think I've got too much time on my hands, to be asking, but little things like that get me wondering and finding out an answer puts my thoughts on better things.
I just finished the first rinse out of 60 generous half yard cuts! I am losing my grip, literally. My hands are sore and my feet want a break. So, while they are ow in ice water I'm on my porch, sometimes I fondly call it 'the dog house', as it's where I retreat to when the hubby has issues!!LOL. You know, those issues are never any of my doing!!
It's hot, humid and I'm not feeling very social. So, it's the porch for me.
I sure could use some real M&Ms at the moment. Glad this is a virtual retreat or I'd have chocolate stains on my fabric!
Love you guys,