Well, it looks like our grandson will be born on January 6th. The Doctor wants to try and turn him before labor begins. Please keep a good thought for all. Whew!
This grandson will be our 5th grandchild. I love being graneva or grammy. Our 2 granddaughters that live in New Jersey are 6 & 4. Then we have Parker, 2 who is the big brother to the newest grandchild. And of course Victorina who was born last October in So California. I don't like being so far away from the 3 granddaughters, but we try to get out to see them often. In fact, the So Cal group will be here next week when the baby is born. If you don't hear from me you'll know I'm swimming in babies, company and love!
Here's my fun grandchild story. Parker lives nearby and a few days before Christmas I was at his house when he went to the back window and said "Grandad took Parker snow!" It had snowed a few days before and my husband had visited Parker. Then the snow melted and Parker couldn't figure out why Granddad took his snow. I really gave my husband a hard time about that!
This past weekend it snowed again and Granddad called Parker to tell him he had returned the snow! (It has since melted.)
This evening we will host an east coast new years party for our neighbors. This means we can toast the new year at 9pm our time. Yay! I wish you could all be here.
I hope the New Year is a happy one for all of you. I look forward to many more laughs, hugs, commiseration and of course quilting with you!
hugs, geneva