Beautiful quilt top, Luann! Fabulous areas to go to town quilting
Geneva your quilt for Dylan is lovely - I love stitch 4 for my dressmaking but have never tried it for quilting. Another idé for the list to try out. Frozen stuff is everywhere this Christmas - it seems to be a favourite just like Beauty and the Beast was years ago.
Terri, your vedding signature quilt is gorgeous. Such a lucky couple to be given such a memory. I have a memory tablecloth from my parents and I wish I knew who all the people were. Can I suggest you make a list of all the signatures and how they are connected to the couple alongside their surnames. If the couple end up with children they will want to know who those people are.
I am sorry I am going backwards in the messages because I am so far behind.
Rosemary I can certainly emphasize with you wanting to get your leaders-enders into a quilt. Can't see anything wrong with that. You'll have a lovely summer looking quilt. Fun to include fabrics given to you. No idea you had been a Brown Owl once upon a time.
You retreat quilt is so lovely, Dawn. You've caught autumn in all its glory
Heather, your Halloween quilt is great fun. The quilt you are making for your M-i-L will be a much appreciated gift I am sure. Your FMQ is coming on so nicely.
Congratulations on all the grandchildren that have arrived since I last visited. Lovely to see the next generation is arriving slowly but surely and all healthy and happy. Such a gift.
I think I have more or less caught up on this thread now. Anybody had any thoughts on what to do in 2016. Will we go on having a retreat thread or ???????????????????
Off to try to finish my Christmas blitz of the house