Here are my fabric painting class samples:
Upper right is a monoprint - I brayered paint on a rubber printing plate then removed some of the paint with a rubber stamp, then placed fabric on the paint and gently rubbed. The fabric below that one is the second printing since there was still some paint left on the rubber plate. Middle top - paint was first splattered onto fabric using a tooth brush flicked with my thumb, when that was dry I placed a rubber stamp under the fabric and rubbed the fabric with a solid paint stick, much like people take rubbings of gravestones. Upper right, scrunched and pleated Saran plastic wrap around some cardboard, dabbed it in some paint and stamped it on the fabric. The vertical lines work well as a grass image, but the overall pattern is nice, too. Lower middle - brushed paint on a corn cob and rolled on the fabric; then I cut the corn and dabbed yellow paint in the middle and pink paint on the kernels to produce a flower image. Lower right - first layer was paint sponged on the fabric, then when that was dry, I stenciled the fern image on top.
For this one I scrunched up the fabric and using a very wet sponge dabbed the paint all over. If I had added more water, the paint would have soaked through and distributed more evenly, but this is a nice effect as well.
Very fun and messy class. The paints used were Versatex Screen Printing Inks for Fabric.