It is very rare that I show a quilt that has not been quilted and bound but I am making an exception for these. I hope to get them quilted in the next couple of days but don’t want to add any stress to my life if other things get in the way, so will post the quilt tops. I have enjoyed making these holiday quilts in December and will enjoy them next year as decorations unless I decide to give them away. I worked on both Alex’s Holiday Quilt and Ricky Tims’ Holiday Charm Wreath (from the Lizzy Albright collection) at the same time. By the way - if you haven’t attended (virtually) Ricky’s holiday concert, Comfort & Joy, you are missing a wonderful musical experience. It is well worth the admission price. I am thankful for both Alex and Ricky, along with everyone else that has helped them, this weird and wacky year. What joy they have both brought into my life.