Look at us?! We can celebrate another milestone!!!!! 28,000 members. Remember to tell a friend and get your name in the pot to possibly win a trip to La Veta in September. That is when we will be taping series 4. It is because of YOU this dream has become a reality - THANK YOU!

This photo is from sesson one - driving to La Veta - and by the way, as we head into the taping of season three (this next week) mother nature is cooperating.



Look what showed up in my mail box? Little Peter Rabbit - actually it was a thank you from the girls of Hillcrest Court reunion. The figures were cut from paper towels and stitched to the back ground then finished with rickrack. What a darling card - thanks Deborah, this is going in a box that Dad made for me to store mementos forever. 



Little piles are starting here and there as I get ready to head off to La Veta for season THREE! We are more than excited about the line up of guests, and we know you will be too. If you have not yet renewed or become a star member, now is the time!  And YES, these are all items that will be in my suitcase - Wink Don't ask - Perhaps the production files will explain a lot - stay tuned.





Kudos to the quilters of Henderson NV, who use their machines, hearts and hands to help those with cancer. If you missed this broadcast, watch here.



As TQSWizard I spend a great deal of time out of the lime light on this site.  I much prefer to be in the background working on the details.  My year's as a wedding coordinator allowed me to enjoy the view from the back.  My favorite time was watching the groom as he sees his bride for the first time coming down the aisle.  Everyone is usually focused on the bride, so the groom's true emotions just wash over his face.  It would bring me to tears every time. 

This last week, I was "the groom" as our oldest son Stuart was enlisted in the Army by his father (a retired Air Force Officer).  He will be working in Explosives Ordinance.  This is the son who for years sang in a rock band, had long hair, tattoos and gauged his ears.  We never thought he would make this career choice.

And this morning we received a call that our youngest son Austin has received a Navy Scholarship. He also told us he wanted nothing to do with the military.  His plans are to work become a Navy SEAL.

So tonight we will be going out to dinner to our favorite restaurant to celebrate two very big occasions in our family.  It has certainly been an exciting and emotional week for our entire family. I guess this mean that I will now have to root for three services instead of just one.  What am I going to do when Navy plays Army?



Whenever I open my email, I am always more than pleased when I get a message (long or short) from one of my kids – or kid to be (our beloved Shelly who is engaged to Joey). This morning she sent me this photo of their engagement party last fall. It was the first time we met her family and we were as taken with them as we are with Shelly. Note that my son is going to add inches on to their grandchildren and hopefully Shelly will raise our grandkids IQ 20 points (she recently graduated from law school). As dresses are being chosen and plans are being made (August 17th), I need to get to my task at hand – their wedding chuppah. We have chosen exotic fabrics – so this is a new day (sewing experience) for me!




That's right everyone! Ricky Tims will be leading a creative journey tour to three of the most exotic places on earth. Don't miss this once-in-a-lifetime fantasy adventure. Travel with Quiltmaker & Musician Ricky Tims and Sew Many Places founder Jim West as they travel to South America to experience beauty and wonders of Machu Picchu, Galapagos Islands and the Amazon River. This 15-day adventure, designed for quilters, but perfect for any creative individual, takes place from February 4 - 18, 2009. During the journey, Ricky will be presenting a series of lectures on creativity and composition. This is a non-sewing expedition.

To download the pdf flyer of this fantastic trip - click here.

To visit Sew Many Places' website and read the entire itinerary - click here.


YES - You can over cook a hard boiled egg - A word of wisdom for the Easter Bunny.





Ring the Bell – Session two is about to begin. By your request - Alex will teach you the fundamentals of choosing appropriate quilting designs. There are many basics that you can learn to help your quilt look the best it was meant to be! Also, Alex will share tips on what to consider when choosing or drawing designs for yourself. This session is a MUST NOT MISS for all quilters today!

Also make sure you have not missed Alex's session one - handquilting was the subject with EVERYTHING you need to know to get started or improve your stitching.. Including How to quilt with your thumb, picking the right needle, and using a hoop or a frame.  It is recommended to start with lesson one and work through the units in order.

Subscribe today to Series One, Two or Three to secure the magic key to let you into Alex's class room.

Just a reminder that the Block of the Month is free (a $90 value) all year with any subscription. 


Also, always remember to floss daily.



The Texas Museum of Fiber Arts in Austin, Texas is pleased to announce a Call for Entries for the Deep in the Art of Texas Fiber Arts Exhibit over the Memorial Day week end, May 24th, 25th and 27th, 2008. Fiber Arts, fine arts, refreshments, and educational speakers are arranged for the weekend exhibit.

Carol Ikard, Executive Director states, "...we feel if someone was born in Texas and then moved away…living in Texas contributed to them as an artist. If people were schooled in Texas, but now moved away, that contributed to them as an artist. So artists don’t have to be living in Texas right now, to participate---they just have to have spent time in Texas."

For complete details about the museum and the upcoming show visit their website.

For call of entries info - click here. The entry deadline is April 5, 2008. Cash prizes! For additional questions, email Carol Ikard