The Texas Museum of Fiber Arts in Austin, Texas is pleased to announce a Call for
Entries for the Deep in the Art of Texas Fiber Arts Exhibit over the
Memorial Day week end, May 24th, 25th and 27th, 2008. Fiber Arts, fine
arts, refreshments, and educational speakers are arranged for the
weekend exhibit.
Carol Ikard, Executive Director states, "...we feel if someone was born in Texas and then moved away…living in Texas contributed to them as an artist. If people were schooled in Texas, but now moved away, that contributed to them as an artist. So artists don’t have to be living in Texas right now, to participate---they just have to have spent time in Texas."
For complete details about the museum and the upcoming show visit their website.
For call of entries info - click here. The entry deadline is April 5, 2008. Cash prizes! For additional questions, email Carol Ikard