Lilo, thank you for your effort to make me sound interesting in the current newsletter. However, you leave the impression that Alex and I were flower children. I want to dispel this misunderstanding. Alex and I are both substantially younger than Mick Jagger (and substantially better looking than Keith Richards. Okay at least Alex is.) This is a halloween picture not a picture of Alex and me in college. We did live in San Francisco once, it was above Golden Gate Park not in the Haight.
It was in San Francisco that I realized that Alex was destined to be on TV. We moved to SF and were very fortunate to find a cheap apartment. This was an amazing deal. Not only was it a good price, it was patrolled by the University of SF police. The building was situated down the hill below Sutro Tower (the highest point in San Francisco. The big red and white tower high on a mountain. Google Sutro Tower Images). We had deer in the backyard and a view of Golden Gate park in the front. It had a twisty road just like Lombard Street that snaked up the hill. Well, one day a big truck tried to come up the hill, decided to turn around, and got stuck. The News crews came to tape the poor stuck truck. This was too much fun for Alex and she quickly went down the hill to participate. And of all the people there, who showed up continually on the news pictures? Alex.
Halloween is a big deal in San Francisco. I worked late that day, so Alex got a friend and they dressed up and went down to Polk Street for the fun. Well, things were bustling and some problems erupted and the news crews descended on the area. So I anxiously turned on the news and there was my Alex in a mouse costume waving at the camera. Of all the people on Polk Street that night, how did Alex get on camera? It was destiny.
I'll let Alex tell you about the TV hypnotist and what he got her to do on some later blog.
Suffice it to say that Alex is a flower child in heart only.