Just in time for the holiday of love comes this quilt from The Quilt Show member Janet Henshaw (sewingbyjanet). Janet says of her quilt, Flowers for my Valentine (92" x 92"), "I needed a quilt to display for Valentines day, so I decided to do one with flowers and valentines, so another quilt was born."

Click Here to read more about the quilt and ZOOM in on the photo.

FlowersForMyValentinebyJanetHenshaw - 36 Pieces Non-Rotating

FlowersForMyValentinebyJanetHenshaw - 100 Pieces Non-Rotating

FlowersForMyValentinebyJanetHenshaw - 289 Pieces Non-Rotating

FlowersForMyValentinebyJanetHenshaw - 36 Pieces Rotating

FlowersForMyValentinebyJanetHenshaw - 100 Pieces Rotating

FlowersForMyValentinebyJanetHenshaw - 289 Pieces Rotating

Original Photo: Janet Henshaw (sewingbyjanet)