Perennial TQS favorite Julie Silber has a brand new show that she has put together with her quilting friends: Alden O'Brien, Barbara Brackman, Debby Cooney, Lynne Bassett, and Merikay Waldvogel. It is called, what else, 6 Quilts With 6 Know-it-Alls and we're pretty sure you're going to love it.
Watch the first episode below and read what it's all about:
"Welcome to the maiden voyage of the quilt history confab, '6 Quilts with 6 Know-it-Alls'! This show, hosted by respected quilt collector and historian Julie Silber, is lots of things: roundtable discussion, kaffeeklatsch, history lesson ... At its heart, '6 Quilts with 6 Know-it-Alls' is no more and no less than six friends sharing with each other their vast knowledge on their favorite topic ever: quilt history!"