Sometimes we want to view the world through a different lens, and that is how Sandra Ruano Navarro wanted the viewpoint of her quilt to be. Ipsum "was inspired by the Modernist movement, specifically in the pictorial movement of Cubism." Featured in the Appliqué, Small category at Houston 2018, "it is based on the geometric deconstruction of a landscape, applying different patchwork techniques for its assembly." Its focal point is "a scene of daily life in the Playa de las Canteras (Gran Canaria), with its fishing boats and its surroundings within the city" manipulated with hand piecing, appliqué, picture piecing, and vertical panel design to bring a lush beach scene to life out of only structured piecing.
Ipsum by Sandra Ruano Navarro of Madrid, Spain was featured in the Appliqué, Small category at Houston 2018.