and need your input. Laughing When asked what I miss most about Simply Quilts - I answer, "the drive bys" - meaning people who stumbled onto the show and got bitten by the bug. That was my true love about those ten years.  I am personally in love with everything quiltie and want to continue to "spread the gospel to anyone who will listen". Then I started thinking about all the young quilters out there that might need some basic piecing instruction....(my brain storm is starting to take form) - then I thought - "HEY - WHY NOT ME??"

So here is where the plan is at. I take the pieced BOM of Sue Garman as the basic platform and teach piecing instruction which coordinates with the quilt (as you know I do love stars and have taught them forever)  - NOW (here is where you come into the picture), not only do I invite you to take this journey with me - but do you know anyone who benefit from this project? This would be free to the world and would appreciate your help in getting the word out.

We will let you know when they start to post, as it will tke a little time to get everything in gear. I have a few days free and thought this might just be the perfect thing to do.....Also, do you have any questions you want covered?
