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Photo by Gregory Case Photography

You’ll no doubt want to be “front and center” as quilt artist Rosalie Dace brings us a touch of her native South Africa through her quilts and photos, shares the secrets of how she creates focal points in her work, and demonstrates how to stitch “super-skinny” straight and curved lines on a quilt surface using a 1/4" foot.

In another segment, we chat with best-selling author Jennifer Chiaverini about her Elm Creek novels to discover how she weaves her quilting knowledge into her novels and how the novels have led to a series of quilting books.

In addition, Alex uses the House block from her Welcome Home quilt to demo the flip-and-sew piecing method, and we go on location to visit artist and quilter Michael Cummings to see how he constructs his folk-art-style narrative quilts in the dining room of his 1860s “shotgun” home in New York City. 

Click here to watch the show.