
If you have not already written the name of a friend or family member on a purple patch for the Name Quilts that will be part of the "Alzheimer's Illustrated: From Heartbreak to Hope" traveling quilt exhibit, it is not too late.

Please email Ami Simms with the name of the names of family or friends you know who has or had Alzheimer's, or a related dementia, so that they can be included in the 10,000 names the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative is collecting to honor and remember.

Please share the person's first name, first name & last name, or their first name and the first letter of their last name---whatever you feel most comfortable with. Please include the city and state where they are/were from.

If you have already put your loved one's name on a purple patch at any time during the last year, the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative has got it. If not, please let Ami add the names now. No limit. As many people as you wish to honor is fine. 

We urge you to email AmiSimms@aol.com now with the name and location of your loved ones and friends and support this monumental project.